Cuba, day 3: Lenin, Chocolate and Kindness

The irony of my being in Cuba was that I got charged for a visa even that I didn’t need one (being Russian), and that everything was so cheap but I couldn’t buy anything, because for some reason they didn’t exchange rubles and I was totally out of euros. I yearned to go to that crafts market next to the port to buy some art, but there was no way! And no ATMs around, as you can imagine.

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The Ship: Day two, adjusting

Well, today was much better – the sea got calmer and Jack Sparrow’s walk was not always necessary. And the headache only kicked in in the evening. Today I had my first classes, and my throat is totally sore from talking to people. Everyone is so curious about Russia and everything connected to it that until the end of the Saint Petersburg part I seem to be on high demand, just like one of those objects from the cabinet of curiosities. Will be doing a couple of presentations in the next few days. Continue reading

A Full-Scale Test

Hi world (and fellow sailors)!
So it’s finally happening – I found some time to set up my blog. Now, complaint time: two years ago I created a special blog at, just waiting for the occasion to get started. Unfortunately, because of some technical issues I wasn’t able to manage it anymore. Turned out that some providers in Mother Russia just blocked full access to wordpress. Stupid providers, as if I can’t hack through it. So for a long time it was dead empty. Now why test? Because during my upcoming trip I won’t have good Internet access at all. The only properly working thing will be my email, which I linked to the blog and am now testing its performance. My cat isn’t happy about it, as I’m not paying attention to him. He meows like a chainsaw and jumps around, trying to attract my attention by all possible means. I’m terrible.

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